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 Team Velvet, Inc. is a New Jersey non-for-profit 501(c)(3), all-volunteer, charitable organization providing proven and effective psychological counseling for children ages 5 to 12 with trauma at no cost to the family.  ​  Our program is funded through grants and donations. It is fully staffed by our director and founder, Dr. Susan Edwards, Psychologist and Ph.D., and our tireless group of volunteers.

“Team Velvet Inc. relies on volunteers and what PSEG did in one day was magic for the farm … we would not be able to exist without this help, which allows us to spend more time serving children in need.” – Susan Edwards, PhD, psychologist, director and president of the board at Team Velvet Inc.


Thank you to our employees who recently visited the farm and helped repair fences, clean up and prep blankets to help keep Team Velvet horses Annie, Precious and Buddy warm this winter. 🐎


We’re #PSEGProud to volunteer with nonprofit organizations like Team Velvet Inc., which provides free, non-mounted horse therapy for children who have experienced trauma, adjustment issues, grief and more.


Community News



Next month – April -- is National Mental Health Month and Team Velvet Inc. was again selected in the national public awareness media movement “Seen Through the Eyes of Horses” as part of the “Horses in Mental Health” national campaign. 

With increasing significance, equine-assisted mental health agencies have been a fast-growing area of service and research across the United States for helping children who have experienced trauma. As Team Velvet Inc. has been involved in this work since its incorporation as a nonprofit in 2009, we have been honored to be selected two years in a row to share in this media awareness campaign.  
To that end, we have added a Child Mental Health Seminar Series called Inspired by Horses for children ages 10-12 to run on Saturday mornings from 10:30-12 at Journeys End Farm, 79 Old Clinton Road, Flemington 08822.  Topics are designed to increase psychological resilience illustrated by stories of horses. 

There is no cost for seminars but email registration is required to and parents must accompany their children.  

        Saturday March 8th - 10:30 - 12 - Medical Courage - Precious the Therapy Horse

        Saturday March 15th - 10:30 - 12 - Not Giving Up - Snowman the Rescued Champion

        Saturday Marrch 22nd - 10:30 - 12 - Overcoming Fear - Shy Boy, The Wild Mustang

        Saturday March 29th - 10:30 - 12 - Power of Kindness - Black Beauty


The Spring Program in May continues with Visits with Horses and a Child Seminar Series focused on topics of overcoming obstacles and increasing social intelligence for children.  For more information on referring a child for equine therapy for child trauma at no cost to parents, please complete the website contact form at and donations to support this work can be made via the same website or via mail to Team Velvet, Inc. , PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553-0268.

Happy Valentines Day from Team Velvet.png

Community News


As we move into the coming year and review the events of last year and look forward to those of the coming year, we wish to convey immense GRATITUDE to the many people who helped us.

From the perspective of our beloved lead therapy mare Precious, thank you for the overwhelming kindness of those who donated to her medical bills for the cancer surgery that saved her life.

From the perspective of our black-and-white gelding Buddy, much appreciation for those who helped make him feel at home in his transition from an unhappy past to adapting to a happy herd who accepted him and the children who love him.

From the perspective of our miniature horse Little Annie, wonderful thanks for the nutritious horse snacks that made her 'smile'.

From the Young Volunteers and their parents, much appreciation for your efforts to form the horse band and perform at our fall fundraiser.

Now moving into Spring Season. *Team Velvet Young Volunteers and making a video for children on Overcoming Obstacles, narrated by Precious, who transcended cancer, lost vision in one eye and still managed to play the floor piano keyboard at the holiday fundraiser. She also narrates coping with grief at the loss of her mate Velvet and her understanding that love lives on through the actions of the rest of the herd.

*The Inspired by Horses: Child Mental Health Saturday Seminar Series will start March 8th for children ages 9-12 who must be accompanied by a parent. Topics designed to increase psychological resilience illustrated by stories of horses. All sessions are held at Journeys End Farm in Flemington. There is no cost for the seminars but email registration is required to and topics include:

        Saturday March 8th - 10:30 - 12 - Medical Courage - Precious the Therapy Horse

        Saturday March 15th - 10:30 - 12 - Not Giving Up - Snowman the Rescued Champion

        Saturday Marrch 22nd - 10:30 - 12 - Overcoming Fear - Shy Boy, The Wild Mustang

        Saturday March 29th - 10:30 - 12 - Power of Kindness - Black Beauty

        Saturday April 5th - 10:30 - 12 - Ability to Inspire - Man O' War

        Saturday April 12th - 10:30 - 12 - Coping with Bullies - Corona Velvet

*Continuation of non-mounted horse therapy program without fee for children of trauma ages 6-12.


Buddy the Horse writes to Santa

Over the years Hunterdon Review Editor Walter O’Brien has received many letters to the editor. As a talented publisher, he often has to pick and choose which ones he decides to
include and which to let go. Some become well known
and some sink without a trace. In l897 a young girl named Virginia wrote the Sun newspaper editor asking if there was a Santa Claus. The response by Mr. Francis Pharcellus Church,
one of the paper’s editors, remains one of the most reprinted English language editorials ever published.

His powerful letter remind-ed readers everywhere of the importance of matters of a child’s heart.This year another young heart sent a letter to the editor. This time to the Hunterdon Review, again writing with a true heart. This time, the writer was Buddy the Horse, a shy black and white therapy horse for children at Team Velvet Inc. in Hunterdon County.He asked Editor Walter O’Brien for a different kind of help: to publish his letter to Santa on behalf of the traumatized children he serves. Here is what he writes:


Dear Mr. Editor Walter O’Brien, Hi. It’s me, Buddy the Horse. It is almost Christmas and I am starting to worry that my letter to Santa might not get to the North Pole in time, so I am sending it to you. Our Dr.Susan says that you are a kind man and your readers love animals and children,so maybe if I write straight from my heart, my letter can get published.I am a helping horse for kids under 12. They don’t ride me.


They talk to me, groom me and share what’s in their hearts. I feel sad when bad things happen to children and it shows in my eyes. I try to reach out to them and help in my way so they can overcome the pain that trauma caused them. I work with Dr. Susan and try my best to help them heal.

Santa, we are a small charity — only three helping horses, one doctor and volunteers. This year our mare Precious got cancer. To save her life cost much money. She had to go to the horse hospital and have
surgery. She was very weak but now she is OK. Dr. Susan wrote grants, asked for donations and we even
formed a horse band with the young volunteers who sang Christmas songs so we could earn more money
to pay the medical bill. But what we need is something only Santa can do – find us a benefactor.


You see our services are free to families. No one gets paid, not even our psychologist Dr. Susan. Santa, I would give up all my treats for a year if you would find us a benefactor. Now you know I really love treats, but I love this work even more. Little Timmy, who is 8, had big sad eyes when I met him and now he smiles. We play horse ball together and he laughs. I see what a difference I have made in his young life and it touches me.

Santa, please help my letter find its way to the door of a benefactor who can help us. We are waiting for
them to discover us. There is much more to do.

Team Velvet Inc.
Raritan Township

Team Velvet Uses Relationship With Horses to Help Those in Need


The concept of innovation often means designing new solutions for old problems. Animal-assisted therapy is not a new concept, but the adaptation of non-mounted clinical horse therapy to the multi-modal therapy model of the late Dr. Arnold Lazarus offers some unique elements in helping children transcend trauma and increase resiliency over aversive childhood events.


Team Velvet Inc. is a local charity providing a unique blend of psychological science with the emotional bond provided by therapy horses.

Appeared in The Chronicle, December 2024

Receiving its Letter of Determination from the IRS in 2009, Team Velvet Inc. is a small, all-volunteer organization providing non-mounted horse therapy to child trauma victims ages 6 to 12 without fee to families.


The program, supported by grants and donations, also offers a child seminar series called “Visits with Horses.” Educational training in emotional intelligence and strengthening resiliency incorporating stories on horses as public education and media development on child trauma are also part of the mission of the 501(c)3 organization.


Directed by local psychologist Susan Edwards, Ph.D., the program recognizes that children often tell animals things they seldom share with others, and those from vulnerable populations often connect with the special acceptance provided by horses who become therapy partners. The combination of learning-based cognitive therapy with the emotional acceptance of horses provides a powerful bond that can strengthen a child’s personal learning and skill-building through reduced anxiety. Interactive activities such as grooming and horse ball can also introduce elements of enjoyment and fun.


Located at Journeys End Farm in Flemington, the organization continues to welcome benefactors interested in helping to strengthen sustainability. Edwards describes benefactors of a nonprofit focused on strengthening child mental health as individuals motivated by legacy, a term summarizing the transformative power of love and relationship, as well as the desire to share with others.



“Child trauma can happen to anyone at any time,” Edwards said. “Accidents happen, loved ones die, physical and emotional loss change the landscape of a young life. Team Velvet Inc. offers one avenue for strengthening resiliency and helping youngsters overcome obstacles through the application of psychological science and clinical horse therapy. The volunteers, supporters and benefactors who have found their way to our organization are helping us help others, often in honor of loved ones who initially helped them.”


To consider volunteering, becoming a benefactor or to refer a child, contact Edwards via the website or voicemail at 609-924-4330.


The picture accompanying this article was taken from the annual fall fundraiser, which happened after press time. It depicts therapy horse Buddy interacting with Santa Rick, of Hunterdon. The two are involved in a major discussion of one of the purposes of the fundraiser – to help with the medical expense of lead therapy mare Precious, who received cancer surgery earlier this year.


This column will feature inspiring nonprofits that serve the Hunterdon County community, as well as the local volunteers who make the work happen.

Special Event
Rockin' Horse Band
and the Candy Cane Singers

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This year has a SPECIAL EVENT as the ROCKIN’ HORSE BAND takes the stage as a benefit to
raise money for therapy horse Precious’ medical bills resulting from her life-saving cancer surgery earlier in the year. With black-and-white paint horse Buddy on the bells, brown- and- white miniature Little Annie playing the pink piano and palomino Precious on the floor keyboard, the ROCKIN’ HORSE BAND will open the holiday season with a unique version of JINGLE BELLS, accompanied by background percussion and the CANDY CANE SINGERS of the Young Volunteers of Team Velvet Inc.
The BAND takes the stageon Sunday November 24th from 12:00 to 12:25 and the Photo Opps with Santa runs from 10am to 3pm at Journeys End Farm, 79 Old Clinton Road, Flemington, NJ 08822. Bring your camera! Donation to fundraising event is $15 a carload.


Team Velvet Inc. is a 501 c-3 organization. For more information go to or phone
609 924 4330. Come and enjoy a fun day – rain or shine!


** Please note: Insurance regulations prohibit animals on the farm and food and drink are also
not allowed on the property.

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Psychologist Dr. Susan Edwards and the helping horses of Team Velvet inc. are offering an educational series of group sessions for children ages 10 to 12 to help them grow in ways related to strengthening good mental health. Entitled “Overcoming Obstacles and Anxiety”, the program utilizes the true life
experience of one horse, an American Mustang horse named Shy Boy, whose story is told in two children’s books by well-known American horse trainer Monty Roberts. The seminars illustrate ways one horse learned to face and rise above his fear of the unknown and develop a special life purpose helping people learn new ways to appreciate horses. Topics include:


  • Session One -  September 28: Growing up in the Wild Understanding the Safety of a Herd and
    Recognizing Danger
    Coping with Fear

  • Session Two - October 5: Communication Between Horses How Monty Roberts Learns How Horses Communicate Coping with Anxiety

  • Session Three - October 12: Courage and Change Moving from the Wild to Living with People Learning to Cope with Change

  • Session Four - October 19: Recognizing It Is OK to be Happy How Shy Boy Became Famous


All sessions include learning goals and an interactive horseball activity at the end. Parents must accompany their children but sessions are focused on child learning. The program is FREE but registration is required via email to: Email child’s name, age, and session date(s) attending. Group size is limited so register early.


SESSIONS ARE SATURDAY, 10:30AM TO NOON OR 1-2:30PM and held in Flemington, NJ at Journeys End Farm. Program Leaders are Susan Edwards, PhD, Psychologist and Volunteer Program Staff. Therapy horses are Buddy, Precious and Little Annie.


Team Velvet Inc. is a 501 c-3 organization providing non-mounted horse therapy to children who have experienced trauma/loss at no fee to families. To refer a children phone Dr. Edwards at 609 924 4330. The program is supported by grants/contributions which may be donated here on our website or via mail at Team Velvet Inc., PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553.

Visits with Horses Child Seminar Series:
Overcoming Obstacles and Anxiety

Help for Precious's Medical Bills

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We need your help. Our wonderful mental health therapy horse Precious had a cancerous tumor removed some time ago. Unfortunately, the tumor grew back and in order to save her life, her eye needed to be fully removed.


We are an all-volunteer nonprofit organization that provides free mental health therapy for children 5-12 who have experienced trauma. All Team Velvet Inc. services are provided by licensed psychologists and the program works with a small herd of three therapy horses, volunteer handlers and peer mentors to help children transcend adversity resulting from traumatic loss, violence, witnessing death of loved ones and profound adversity.


The loss of Precious' eye was necessary in order to save this amazing horse's life, a horse who has helped so many on the road to recover. She has shown us through this difficult time, medical courage with which she faced cancer and she will continue to work with children, some of whom may have physical manifestations as well as psychological ones.


We ask for any help you can give us to reduce these massive medical bills for a horse of boundless love. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

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Christmas in July with
Team Velvet, Inc.

There are many sad events that can change a child's life.

Since 2009 when Team Velvet, Inc. began, our charity has helped children transcend many types of trauma and profound loss. Some include parental death, devastating illness/suicide of a loved one, physical disfigurement, witnessing/experiencing violence, and psychological bullying, among others.

The kids are 5-12 years old. Our equine mental health therapy services are FREE because of donations like yours and Christmas in July is one of our major fundraisers.

Help us Help Kids Live Happy

Saving Christmas in July

Christmas in July without Mrs. Santa? Well, almost.

Horse charity Team Velvet Inc. relies on fundraising through its annual Christmas in July online campaign in order to provide year-round therapy services to traumatized children. As a result of donations, child mental health horse therapy services for kids 5-12 may be provided without charge to families. This year, a tragic event nearly endangered the July campaign as well as the life of a beautiful palomino therapy horse named Precious.

Mrs. Santa –costumed Precious who, dressed as Santa’s wife, appears in the group’s November Fundraiser “Photo Opps with Santa and His Holiday Horses”—received severe medical news. In mid-June she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer growing from a tumor within her eye. The tumor was removed and within a week grew back. A clinical lab report revealed that unless the entire eye was removed, this rapidly spreading cancer would claim her life.

Precious experienced cancer-caused immune system weakness and subsequently underwent specialized eye surgery at B.W. Furlong & Associates in its equine surgical facility in Oldwick, NJ. After comprehensive post-op care, she was returned home to her barn in Flemington, NJ, where she was met with ‘Welcome Home, Precious’ signs from kids, a life size Blessings Tree hanging on the barn wall and get-well cards and drawings to help her feel surrounded by love and encouragement. Children made posters symbolizing her special gifts that make others happy.

Dr. Susan Edwards, Psychologist/Director, explained the total medical expense involved surgery as well as pre and post hospitalization medical care. A total amount of $9,000 was paid by the charity for care which she described as “highly specialized and extremely kind, presented by a dedicated group of equine medical professionals who saved the life of this special horse.”

“Precious is an important presence in many children’s lives,” Edwards said, “and they love her.”


“This year our Christmas in July fundraiser message is straightforward, “ Edwards continued, “We ask for any help that can be given, donations of any amount, to help us pay the life-saving medical costs for a child therapy horse with boundless love.”

Seen Through Horses

Your donation helps us to change the trajectory of a child's life. Donate today!

June 8, 2024

Hunterdon Foundation

P.O. Box 393

Quakertown, NJ 08868-0393



Team Velvet Inc. is honored to have been selected as one of the named charities for the 2024 Hunterdon Polo Classic to be held June 8, 2024. Sponsorship forms are available at or from To donate/designate patron tailgaits to Team Velvet Inc. with full payment to be received by May 25, 2024.


Visits with Horses: April 2024 Team Velvet Inc. News
by Susan Edwards PhD


Team Velvet Inc. welcomes in Spring with our annual Visits with Horses: Child Seminar Series Helping Children Grow in Emotional Intelligence and Resilience. Every year during Mental Health Awareness Month [May], statistics on child self-harm are presented by the government CDC which illustrate alarming trends. From concern over the impact of peer bullying to the witnessing of violence, figures from two years ago reflected that the 8th largest factor in pediatric death in children under l2 was self-inflicted injury. It is very disturbing to imagine pediatric suicide a significant cause of death in America.


Team Velvet Inc., an all-volunteer non-mounted horse therapy charity housed on Journeys End Farm in Flemington, has developed a seminar series teaching children ages 10-12 emotional intelligence and resiliency concepts. When faced with emotional stress, such concepts provide coping skills for kids.


Based on the classic childhood Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, children attending the seminar will have the opportunity for skill building as well as interacting with the therapy horses of Team Velvet Inc. The seminar is a series of four programs and a parent is required to accompany the child to either a morning [10-11:30am] or afternoon [1-2:30pm] session.


Topics include:

Session 1: Saturday, April 13 -- Growing in Emotional Intelligence and Resilience

Session 2: Saturday, April 20 -- Handling Worry and Stress

Session 3: Saturday, April 27 -- Coping with Fear and Anxiety

Session 4: Saturday, May 4 -- Overcoming Obstacles


The program is FREE but registration is required via email to with child’s name, age and session/date attending. Group size is limited so register early. Team Velvet Inc. provides equine-assisted mental health services for children ages 5-12 with emotional trauma and adjustment issues. For more information call Psychologist Dr. Susan Edwards [609 924 4330] to refer a child. The nonprofit is funded totally by donations and grants.Donations may be made via the website or via mail at Team Velvet Inc.,

PO 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553.

Community News


Many thanks to all who helped make our Holiday fundraiser, ‘Photo Opps with Santa’ and the premier appearance of The Rockin’ Therapy Horse Band with the Candy Cane Singers such a success. There were smiles all around.

We were pleased with the kind comments we received about the horses, volunteers, and the nonprofit work we do helping kids with trauma. It was a special event and meaningful day.

At this time of year as we look back on the joys and challenges of having this all-volunteer charity, we feel tremendous gratitude to everyone who has helped us in many different ways. From donors to folks who write notes of support and encouragement, we continue to focus on making a difference in the lives of trauma kids 6-12 without fees to families as we are totally funded by grants and donations.  Our friendship network spans a large area and folks who find their way to our door hold a special place in their hearts for horses and children.

We thank you and encourage you to view this month’s VIP on-line where you will see our holiday greeting. This year’s card is a picture of therapy horse Buddy in holiday costume talking with Santa Rick of Hunterdon, sharing his holiday wish list and thoughts to everyone for Happy Holidays!

For more information on Team Velvet Inc. Or to make a donation go to  or do so via mail at Team Velvet Inc., PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553.

To refer a child, use the website contact form or call Dr. Edwards at 609 924 4330.

Team Velvet Bookshelf

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Community News


Team Velvet Inc. was selected as one of 87 horse-assisted charities across the United States to participate in a national media campaign to help the public recognize and understand the increasingly important role of horses in mental health programs.  

Starting this month and peaking in May, which is National Mental Health Awareness Month, the Horses in Mental Health program will share articles, films, videos, and web-based material on the unique contribution of mental health therapy horses to individuals coping with depression, anxiety, grief, and traumatic loss. 

Founded in 2009, Team Velvet Inc. was incorporated as a nonprofit providing clinical horse therapy services to children ages 5-12 who have experienced traumatic
loss and adjustment. An all-volunteer organization, the group provides therapy and mental health education for children at no cost to families. Our work will be included in this public awareness program.

We will also again be offering our Visits with Horses Seminar Series for children ages 10-12 on Strengthening Emotional Intelligence and Resiliency. These programs will be offered on four Saturday mornings 10-12am or afternoons 1-3pm during the month of May and are based on the children’s classic Black Beauty by Anna Sewell.


Community News

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Little Annie All Dressed Up

Photo courtesy Team Velvet

People will often explain how the influence of trauma has changed the trajectory of their lives. I remember on eight-year-old. He wrote a story about the September eleventh tragedy which went something like this:

“A mother has five sons. ‘I love you sons’ she said. She worked in the towers in New York. When the plane hit the towers, the love ran out of her and into the sons. Here is one of them. When he grows up, he will help in the world. He has that much love.”

Team Velvet, Inc. is currently having child volunteers craft a Kind-ness Tree in the horse barn to remind all of us many ways kids transform trauma and obstacles into kindness toward the world. Such kindness can help nature, family, animals, and other children.

The Kindness Tree will display drawings from kids 6-12 that illustrate children’s ideas. Mail drawings to Team Velvet, Inc., PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553 along with the first name and age of the child and parent email address. All drawings will be posted on the Kindness Tree and parents who send an email address will receive an email certificate for each young artist. 

Upcoming events: In March, the announcement for the next Visits with Horses class for children ages 10-12 will be posted. The four-week program involves strengthening emotional intelligence and resiliency in kids based on the childhood classic Black Beauty. Parents must accompany the child and there is no fee for the program which is held at our therapy horse farm in Flemington. Details follow in March. 

Team Velvet, Inc. is a 501c-3 organization that provides nonmounted equine mental health counseling for children ages 6-12 who experienced trauma. F
or more information call Psychologist/Director Dr. Susan Edwards at 609 924 4330 to refer a child. Donations can be made at the website or via mail at Team Velvet, Inc., PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553.

Community News

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Photo courtesy Team Velvet

Group photo of program volunteers including therapy horses Buddy (left), Precious (center), and Little Annie (far right). Board members front, far right Dr. Susan Edwards and Dr. Kathy Piparo​ Team Velvet Inc.  Board of Directors Secretary Dr. Kathy Piparo and President Dr. Susan Edwards recently honored program volunteers at Team Velvet’s therapy facility Journeys End Farm in Flemington, NJ.
“Without volunteers like  you,” Dr. Piparo explained, “we could not provide our horse therapy program for child trauma.  Your selfless acts of kindness are the backbone of running a successful all-volunteer organization.”
Team Velvet volunteers work inside the barn, help with facility and pasture maintenance, and decorate the farm with seasonal displays. They also staff fundraisers like the recent “Photo Opps with Santa and His Holiday Horses” and ongoing programs. Some groom the therapy horses and serve as horse handlers in the “Visits with Horses” program designed to strengthen emotional intelligence and resiliency in children ages 10-12. 
Dr. Edwards describes the diverse nature of Team Velvet’s dedicated group. “We have volunteers who just like helping , others who are ‘giving back’ to life in gratitude for what they feel has been given to them, and still others who honor a deep love of children by assisting a children’s charity that provides horse counseling in child mental health offered free to families.
Some volunteers are reminded of their country roots when they enter our farm and some just like horses. The sense of peace accompanying entry into a horse farm is a powerful emotion difficult to explain. “
Edwards continued: “I recently asked a newer volunteer who works about four hours a week what she liked about volunteering on the farm.  An executive woman with an impressive career who is weekly mucking stalls and sweeping barn aisles offered a response that surprised me.”
“It’s the magic,” Mary said. “Horses and being close to the earth remind me of the powerful love that animals and nature have to offer.  In my day-to-day life, I often forget that.  When I leave here I always have a smile on my face.”
Dr. Kathy Piparo reminded the group that ultimately their efforts assisting Team Velvet Inc. help children heal from the effects of trauma when she said, “Your selfless kindness can help us make a difference in a child’s life. “ 
For more information on Team Velvet Inc. or to refer a child age 5-12 call Psychologist/Director Dr. Edwards at 609 924 4330. 

Team Velvet Inc. is a 50l c-3 all-volunteer charity totally funded by donations and grants. Tax-deductible donations may be made via the website/PayPal or via mail to Team Velvet Inc., PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553. 

Community News

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Photo courtesy Team Velvet

Author’s Note:  Earlier this month we received a grant to provide non-mounted horse therapy for a year to one child age 6-11 with multiple handicap and/or developmental disability who has experienced trauma. A parent or helping professional can refer the family of the child to Dr. Susan Edwards, Psychologist/Director via email at, answering service 609-924-4330 or cell 609-216-1910. Please share this note as there will be no fee for this service.

December 2023
At this time of year we look both back at the events of the past year and forward into the goals of the coming one.  
Team Velvet Inc. continued to provide nonmounted clinical horse therapy without fee to trauma children as well as provide general developmental strengthening of emotional intelligence and resiliency through the Visits with Horses Program, Parts One and Two.  Using the text Black Beauty by Anna Sewell as well as providing live interactive activities with the program’s therapy horses, the feedback from parents and children was exceptional. We will continue to offer this program for 10-12 year olds in the coming year and may expand into psychoeducational services for nine year olds.
We are looking for two donations of $2,000 each that will allow us to publish a book on managing traumatic flashbacks for kids and one on emotional healing. We also seek permanent supporters whose donations will strengthen the sustainability of our charity.

Thank you to everyone who contacted us with kind words and donations in special memory of our beloved therapy horse Velvet.  His picture is included in the electronic edition of this month’s edition along with the quotation under his photo in our barn. “Forever Velvet:  his love lives on through us.”
Team Velvet Inc.        

Christmas Lights with Santa!

Thursday December 7th & Friday December 8th, 6-8 pm

See SANTA & this Explosion of Lights which is one of the largest private Christmas light displays in Hunterdon and surrounding counties. This is a slow drive-by event where Santa will greet passersby and accept voluntary donations to benefit Team Velvet, Inc. CLICK HERE for event details and to RSVP.
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We are pleased to have this kind, gentle gelding join our
helping herd for children.

Buddy is a draft/Quarter horse/paint mix with a kind spirit who will carry on the special bond established by Velvet as the lead male horse in the herd. We thank everyone who  is helping
Buddy feel at home.

CLICK HERE to read more about our new horse Buddy!

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Community News


Many thanks to all who helped make our Holiday fundraiser, ‘Photo Opps with Santa’ and the premier appearance of The Rockin’ Therapy Horse Band with the Candy Cane Singers such a success. There were smiles all around.

We were pleased with the kind comments we received about the horses, volunteers, and the nonprofit work we do helping kids with trauma. It was a special event and meaningful day.

At this time of year as we look back on the joys and challenges of having this all-volunteer charity, we feel tremendous gratitude to everyone who has helped us in many different ways. From donors to folks who write notes of support and encouragement, we continue to focus on making a difference in the lives of trauma kids 6-12 without fees to families as we are totally funded by grants and donations.  Our friendship network spans a large area and folks who find their way to our door hold a special place in their hearts for horses and children.

We thank you and encourage you to view this month’s VIP on-line where you will see our holiday greeting. This year’s card is a picture of therapy horse Buddy in holiday costume talking with Santa Rick of Hunterdon, sharing his holiday wish list and thoughts to everyone for Happy Holidays!

For more information on Team Velvet Inc. Or to make a donation go to  or do so via mail at Team Velvet Inc., PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553.

To refer a child, use the website contact form or call Dr. Edwards at 609 924 4330.

Team Velvet Bookshelf

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Community News


Team Velvet Inc. was selected as one of 87 horse-assisted charities across the United States to participate in a national media campaign to help the public recognize and understand the increasingly important role of horses in mental health programs.  

Starting this month and peaking in May, which is National Mental Health Awareness Month, the Horses in Mental Health program will share articles, films, videos, and web-based material on the unique contribution of mental health therapy horses to individuals coping with depression, anxiety, grief, and traumatic loss. 

Founded in 2009, Team Velvet Inc. was incorporated as a nonprofit providing clinical horse therapy services to children ages 5-12 who have experienced traumatic
loss and adjustment. An all-volunteer organization, the group provides therapy and mental health education for children at no cost to families. Our work will be included in this public awareness program.

We will also again be offering our Visits with Horses Seminar Series for children ages 10-12 on Strengthening Emotional Intelligence and Resiliency. These programs will be offered on four Saturday mornings 10-12am or afternoons 1-3pm during the month of May and are based on the children’s classic Black Beauty by Anna Sewell.


Community News

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Little Annie All Dressed Up

Photo courtesy Team Velvet

People will often explain how the influence of trauma has changed the trajectory of their lives. I remember on eight-year-old. He wrote a story about the September eleventh tragedy which went something like this:

“A mother has five sons. ‘I love you sons’ she said. She worked in the towers in New York. When the plane hit the towers, the love ran out of her and into the sons. Here is one of them. When he grows up, he will help in the world. He has that much love.”

Team Velvet, Inc. is currently having child volunteers craft a Kind-ness Tree in the horse barn to remind all of us many ways kids transform trauma and obstacles into kindness toward the world. Such kindness can help nature, family, animals, and other children.

The Kindness Tree will display drawings from kids 6-12 that illustrate children’s ideas. Mail drawings to Team Velvet, Inc., PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553 along with the first name and age of the child and parent email address. All drawings will be posted on the Kindness Tree and parents who send an email address will receive an email certificate for each young artist. 

Upcoming events: In March, the announcement for the next Visits with Horses class for children ages 10-12 will be posted. The four-week program involves strengthening emotional intelligence and resiliency in kids based on the childhood classic Black Beauty. Parents must accompany the child and there is no fee for the program which is held at our therapy horse farm in Flemington. Details follow in March. 

Team Velvet, Inc. is a 501c-3 organization that provides nonmounted equine mental health counseling for children ages 6-12 who experienced trauma. F
or more information call Psychologist/Director Dr. Susan Edwards at 609 924 4330 to refer a child. Donations can be made at the website or via mail at Team Velvet, Inc., PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553.

Community News

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Photo courtesy Team Velvet

Group photo of program volunteers including therapy horses Buddy (left), Precious (center), and Little Annie (far right). Board members front, far right Dr. Susan Edwards and Dr. Kathy Piparo​ Team Velvet Inc.  Board of Directors Secretary Dr. Kathy Piparo and President Dr. Susan Edwards recently honored program volunteers at Team Velvet’s therapy facility Journeys End Farm in Flemington, NJ.
“Without volunteers like  you,” Dr. Piparo explained, “we could not provide our horse therapy program for child trauma.  Your selfless acts of kindness are the backbone of running a successful all-volunteer organization.”
Team Velvet volunteers work inside the barn, help with facility and pasture maintenance, and decorate the farm with seasonal displays. They also staff fundraisers like the recent “Photo Opps with Santa and His Holiday Horses” and ongoing programs. Some groom the therapy horses and serve as horse handlers in the “Visits with Horses” program designed to strengthen emotional intelligence and resiliency in children ages 10-12. 
Dr. Edwards describes the diverse nature of Team Velvet’s dedicated group. “We have volunteers who just like helping , others who are ‘giving back’ to life in gratitude for what they feel has been given to them, and still others who honor a deep love of children by assisting a children’s charity that provides horse counseling in child mental health offered free to families.
Some volunteers are reminded of their country roots when they enter our farm and some just like horses. The sense of peace accompanying entry into a horse farm is a powerful emotion difficult to explain. “
Edwards continued: “I recently asked a newer volunteer who works about four hours a week what she liked about volunteering on the farm.  An executive woman with an impressive career who is weekly mucking stalls and sweeping barn aisles offered a response that surprised me.”
“It’s the magic,” Mary said. “Horses and being close to the earth remind me of the powerful love that animals and nature have to offer.  In my day-to-day life, I often forget that.  When I leave here I always have a smile on my face.”
Dr. Kathy Piparo reminded the group that ultimately their efforts assisting Team Velvet Inc. help children heal from the effects of trauma when she said, “Your selfless kindness can help us make a difference in a child’s life. “ 
For more information on Team Velvet Inc. or to refer a child age 5-12 call Psychologist/Director Dr. Edwards at 609 924 4330. 

Team Velvet Inc. is a 50l c-3 all-volunteer charity totally funded by donations and grants. Tax-deductible donations may be made via the website/PayPal or via mail to Team Velvet Inc., PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553. 

Community News

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Photo courtesy Team Velvet

Author’s Note:  Earlier this month we received a grant to provide non-mounted horse therapy for a year to one child age 6-11 with multiple handicap and/or developmental disability who has experienced trauma. A parent or helping professional can refer the family of the child to Dr. Susan Edwards, Psychologist/Director via email at, answering service 609-924-4330 or cell 609-216-1910. Please share this note as there will be no fee for this service.

December 2023
At this time of year we look both back at the events of the past year and forward into the goals of the coming one.  
Team Velvet Inc. continued to provide nonmounted clinical horse therapy without fee to trauma children as well as provide general developmental strengthening of emotional intelligence and resiliency through the Visits with Horses Program, Parts One and Two.  Using the text Black Beauty by Anna Sewell as well as providing live interactive activities with the program’s therapy horses, the feedback from parents and children was exceptional. We will continue to offer this program for 10-12 year olds in the coming year and may expand into psychoeducational services for nine year olds.
We are looking for two donations of $2,000 each that will allow us to publish a book on managing traumatic flashbacks for kids and one on emotional healing. We also seek permanent supporters whose donations will strengthen the sustainability of our charity.

Thank you to everyone who contacted us with kind words and donations in special memory of our beloved therapy horse Velvet.  His picture is included in the electronic edition of this month’s edition along with the quotation under his photo in our barn. “Forever Velvet:  his love lives on through us.”
Team Velvet Inc.        

Christmas Lights with Santa!

Thursday December 7th & Friday December 8th, 6-8 pm

See SANTA & this Explosion of Lights which is one of the largest private Christmas light displays in Hunterdon and surrounding counties. This is a slow drive-by event where Santa will greet passersby and accept voluntary donations to benefit Team Velvet, Inc. CLICK HERE for event details and to RSVP.
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We are pleased to have this kind, gentle gelding join our
helping herd for children.

Buddy is a draft/Quarter horse/paint mix with a kind spirit who will carry on the special bond established by Velvet as the lead male horse in the herd. We thank everyone who  is helping
Buddy feel at home.

CLICK HERE to read more about our new horse Buddy!

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Childhood Trauma

Each day there is a child who experiences the death of a loved one, witnesses violence, is victimized by crime of intense bullying, disfigured by an accident, or other countless events - all resulting in severe childhood trauma. In the extreme, child trauma may cause flashbacks, blackouts, and may result in severe and harmful physical behavior.

Team Velvet, Inc. provides multi-modal horse therapy for traumatized children ages 5-12 with psychologist Dr. Susan Edwards. Therapy horses may be involved in interactive games, kick a soccer ball, dance or be taught liberty performance. Children do not ride the horses, they interact while working towards goals of increased self-esteem and resiliency over adverse childhood events.


Team Velvet has treated 40 families with children who have experienced severe trauma. Many of these children have been referred to us by other professionals who found the child's problems intractable with traditional therapies. We do not have the funding and resources to treat all of the children referred to us. Therefore, we are seeking generous donors to help us to be able to accept all referrals of the most emotionally vulnerable children.

Our successful, continuing counseling service is located on our farm in Flemington, NJ.  If you have any questions whatsoever about our history, therapy methods, potential therapy costs (if any) beyond insurance coverage, success stories, to arrange a visit to our farm etc., see out "Contact Us" page on how to contact Dr. Edwards directly.

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Psychologist Dr. Susan Edwards and the helping horses of Team Velvet, Inc. are offering a series of group sessions for children ages 10 to 12 to help them grow in two ways related to good mental health. The program includes non-mounted activities with the horses designed to address emotional intelligence so that children are more able to recognize and cope with feelings - their own and those of others, and to help strengthen child resilience in facing and overcoming life's obstacles. Parents may accompany their children but sessions are focused on child learning.

Children can attend one session or the entire series.

Session 1 - July 8th  -  Growing in Positive Power and Self Confidence

Session 2 - July 15  -  Self Esteem

Session 3 - July 22  -  Self Image

Session 4 - July 29  -  Self Efficacy

The program is FREE but registration is required via email to:

Email child's name, age, and session date(s) attending.

Group size is limited so register early.

Program Co-Leaders:
Susan Edwards PhD, Psychologist
Christina Piparo, Peer Mentor/Former Volunteer of the Year

We Make Children Smile

YOU Can Make a Difference in the Life of a Child


The continued success of Team Velvet depends on generous contributors like you.  We are in urgent need of funds  to ensure our continuing operation.  Your donation provides therapy scholarships for children and help feed and care for our therapy horses.  Your dollars can help to heal a child's heart and mind, one smile at a time. 


Tax-deductible monetary contributions can be made through PayPal via our "Tax Deductible Donations" page or mail checks made out to Team Velvet, Inc. to PO Box 268, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553-0268.

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Click on image to see our Virtual Farm Tour on Youtube

Happy Fall

From Little Annie, Buddy, and The Therapy Horses of Team Velvet Inc.

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Team Velvet, Inc.

A Non Profit 501(C)(3)  Charitable Organization

Equine Facilitated Mental Health Services for Children

Understanding Bereavement, Giftedness, Grief and Loss, Treatment of Trauma, Adjustment Issues

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"Our horses work in the arena of a child's heart"

Services are provided at NO CHARGE to the families.

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